Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Mmmn... omelette...
An ommette? NUMS.

It was eggy and cheesy and... yum.

I'm a serial snacker o.o
Good morning! I'm online! :D
I'm hungry. I'm gonna cook me some cheese omelette. *takes laptop with her*
You never sleep, ever. Do you? XD

edit- nevermind, I saw your post. *points back a page* I guess you didn't sleep. XD

Be back later. Pop Tarts. *nom*
Tonight, you are going to bed early. At 10pm. No buts.
--gives stern look--
*serious business*
Don't take a nap D: you won't be able to sleep when it comes to nighttime, and your routine will be even more screwed.

Tonight. 10pm. If I'm awake at 3am I will remind you.
...only for two hours, maximum. Set your alarm :|
AND DON'T GO ONLINE WHEN YOU WAKE UP. Go for a walk, or skiing, or cook some food.
I used to stay up late reading before I got my laptop, but the latest I ever stayed up was about 2am. Now I regularly go to school on less than two hours sleep. x_x


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