Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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*/ninja/s after doctor woman* *is /ninja/hugged* <333
*bursts in and hugs also*

And I agree that you should get more sleep. *thinks you should listen to her* *is 16*

And now I've gotta go to Grandma's. I'll probably be back later, but if I'm not, then see ya next year!
*group hug*

*is 16 also* I give up on telling Tally to sleep. She'll do whatever she wants. She should though. Shouldn't we all?

G'night, Nighthawk.
*is hugged*

*wrinkle nose*
I'm not suggesting you drink it. I hate that tea.
*Shoots at tea bags with bow*
@ Tally: Most of us DO. Hence why I am up at 00.40, and my p\rents are in the room and don't care. They make an exception for new year.
*mumbles* Dress nicely my ass. >.>

Oh, and in other news: THIS SHOULD NOT COUNT AS A SHIRT. It could be a miniskirt or something. This is not a shirt. No.

Edit - Happy new year everyone, see you next year.
A shirt as a miniskirt? What kind of fashion are you into?
Barbie fashion!

My little sister uses her Barbie shirts as skirts for her Barbies sometimes.

And you know, one of my friends DID try a tube top on as a skirt...
HI GUYS :D I'm talking to you from another decade.

EDIT: Most of you, anyway.
I already replied, in the future. 8D check out my awesome future-person GLASSES.
*knows this* >:D
It's only 7:21 here. We're all getting ready to go to Grandma's New Year's Eve party. :D


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