Why does Fanfiction.net have to reset Story Traffic graphs at the start of each month? Now obsessively stalking my chapter hits isn't nearly as satisfying.
*stalks the old Stats page* It shows all the hits in ever :D
I like creeping on the Story Traffic page, though, because every once in a while some fucker will do a marathon, which makes me laugh. What would possess you to read my fic all in one go? What?
*also stalks* Story Stats is my favourite, but it takes forever for hits to filter through to it.
I take it this is your epic Reality Check? Probably read it all in one go because from what I've heard, it's awesome. I really have to read that sometime, but the task is just too daunting. I'll wait until exams and massively overdue homework are no longer looming.
The only good point of my phone is a full keypad so that I can type fanfic when I'm bored and don't have laptop access. And yes, I am really that sad. Apart from that, it hates most internet pages, has next-to-no memory and shorts out whenever I type fast, so I randomly miss out letters and skip to different places in the message, which is unspeakably annoying. None of which you wanted to know... I just had to rant. xD