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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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>.< ouch.
I heard. In the same order? I only have 5 classes a day, and I'm taking about 12 in total, so... yeah. :/
Yep. Every day. We can only take 6 classes per year/semester (depending on what kind they are), unless you can get into 0 hour.
The American system sounds complicated. From what I gather you have to pass every class, and you end up somehow with a Grade Point Average... although hell if I know what that means. That's all I know.

I chose my classes last September, and I've had the same ones since then. No electives or anything. They're all two year courses which finish around May this year, then I have a shitload of important exams...

Where are you? Canada? UK? If you don't mind my asking.

GPA's aren't that complicated. Basically, every A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0. And then they average all those numbers together to make your grade point average. If you're in honors or AP, schools will "weight" the classes, meaning a B could weight as higher than a 3 because it's harder.
UK. I now know why you were confused by an E... So do you not use like A+ and things then?
No, we have pluses and minuses, but they're just there so your parents can go "Hey! You got an A minus!"

They don't actually affect your GPA, a 100 is the same as a 91, in the long run.
How long are your classes? And how many do you have everyday?
Me or Fishy? I have five hour-long classes every day. The order of classes is different every day for two weeks, then it repeats itself, which makes it horrible to remember.
More directed at Fishy, although her reference to 0 hour makes me think that they're an hour long too. And she also answered my other question.

Ours is different again. 6 subjects, or five actually next year. We have 4x 80 minute periods, and we also have the different order over two weeks which then repeats itself. It normally takes the better part of a semester to remember it all.

And I agree with you about the American system. The Australian one is much closer to yours, except there's some ability to do only the second half of the two year course for some subjects, which means I could swap Chem for Psych this year, thank God.
I'd much rather take Psych. Chem screws me over ):

I'm not surprised they're similar, Commonwealth and all that. In Australia do you have GCSEs? What are your school-leaving qualifications called?
Same. Keeping up Chem was a sure way to lower my mark considerably.

No. I think most of Australia has HSC, but Victoria has a confusing system called VCE.
Fortunately, we have seperate qualifications for each subject, so my crappy Chem mark won't affect anything else.



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