Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Hopefully I won't *prays*
I gotsa go!

Bye forum. have a good night. Don't do anything I wouldn't, and don't eat anything bigger than your head.
And don't do anything I won't wanna tell the paramedics, right.

Bye Omega. *hug* *wave*
Hey there :D Nice picture -- who is it?
*welcomes new person* Is it just me or have we gotten a lot of Newbs lately. I'm so excited, this site will trample MX someday *fantasizes*
I know right, It's very choppy nowadays (except for the banned like me, whose posts stayed...)
Cool, I'll look it up.

o.o Good things or bad? I'm flattered :D Thank you.
O.O Whoa! That... takes me by surprise.

Thank you <3 *blush* D'you mind if I ask if there was anything you particularly liked?
Wow. That... is nice, but tbh kind of weird.

Thanks :3 I like getting feedback from people.

Re. that oneshot -- I wasn't too solid on it, but I kind of went "what the hell" and wrote/posted it anyway to get it out of my head.
XD *death of funny* o.o That is a scary, scary thought... ffs I'm a senior in high school! XD

I haven't been too hot on writing lately >.>
Why, thank you :D


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