Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Dare I ask the GPA?
*bursts in*

Congrats, Kayte! *hugs*

*curious also*
Me GPA (though I'm not totally sure because I haven't gotten the official grades yet) Is about 3.7-ish...

*hugs Megan* Thanks :)
Nice job. :D

Since this is my first semester Freshman year, it'll technically be my "cumulative HS GPA" for awhile. Which sucks. *screwed up horribly*
Thanks! I guess that GPA explains why I haven't been on much, lots of work O.O

Luckily, your freshmen year grades don't matter to most colleges, only the classes that you take, and whether you pass them. *huggles Megan* Maybe if you have a really good second semester it'll balance out?
omfg it's a Ni *tacklehug*

Like, a few hours, amirite? :D

:C I hear you, man. Here's to it getting better, maybe?
True that *hugs*

It will. It'll just take its sweet time, maybe. :\ *is toughing things out*
*gets all snuggly XD*

Things will work out for you too, you know :)
*hell yeah* *cuddles*

I'm trying to write a little drabble with Ari. I'm not so much optimistic as... I don't know. Content. And willing to consider a positive ending.
*guilt* I should be off three minutes ago, but neither of my parents are here.
Feh, getting off this early gets me to sleep before Holy Shit o' clock in the morning, so 's cool with me vOv


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