Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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*Does the same*
Reading badfic in class. Science weeps at this sin ;_;
I went to the doctor's, and they pretty much told me, "You probably had Mono, but it's almost better now."

Believe it or not, Mom and Dad, I actually was having flu-like symptoms and actually was exhausted. They still don't believe me.
I don't have homeroom anymore. (Well, we have it like once a month, to get progress reports and the like.)

We just take attendamce and listen to announcements in first block.
omg it's Friday :D :D :D

That is all.

Also I switched out of my math class successfully. fuck yeah
Into what?
I was failing Trig/Precalc, and now I'm in stoner math.

Wait, shit, I mean College Algebra XD
*Fuck yeah!

I have to take Geo next semester, which I'm afraid I'll hate. On the bright side, if I don't like Geo, it may make me appreciate PreCalc(Trig) more...
Geo as in Geometry? That's weird. I had to take Geometry before Algebra II/Trig and Trig/Precalc.
Most of our kids take A1, Geo, A2, Trig, Calc.
But I took A2 last year, so I'm in Geo with all the other annoying Freshman this year.
O...OK then.

>.> I'm a lazy fuck, so all the kids in my class are juniors. College Algebra is full of lazy seniors though.


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