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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Well then you picked the wrong day to disbelieve a teacher. Maybe next time you will believe them. xD

Yes really. I don't mind boring days as much, they are generally better then my normal days.
XD Yes yes, the moral is to listen to teachers. Not like anybody will listen to the moral either, y'know?

I get where you're coming from. If I have a boring day, I might actually get some small thing that I've been telling myself to do done. Like cleaning my room... >.> if Hell freezes over too.

So what's a normal day to you? o.o
I know I won't. I never listen to teachers. ^^

If I have a boring day I generally stare at the wall for hours. Occasionally I get some little things done, which generally involve some kind of homework.

A bad day of course. But if a bad day happened so much would the become the new normal day so then to be considered a bad day it would have to go one step beyond bad?
XD Exactly.

Oh yes homework. Something that every student adores having. Especially the night before it's due at 1:00 AM remembering they have it...

...Ah. So bad days happen so frequently they're classified as 'normal'. Whilst if you classify it as bad, it must've sucked some major ass. Correct?
I never wait till quite 1:00 AM, generally wait till 11pm then generally hurry up and do it so I can go to sleep.

Yes something like that, *starts using that as a system*, ok now most my days are normal days, my boring days are good days, and my good days are something altogether not possible.
Around 12:00 AM is the average time I realize I need to get homework done. Varies really.

:D Woo system! Boring = Good, Normal = Bad, Bad = Sucked Ass.

And boring/good days are impossible. :D But the impossible is possible...according to all the children's books I've read anyway.
Maybe you should put a sticky note on your comp saying. "Hey! Do your homework!"

It's a great system! I can now tell people I had a normal day and they won't ask why it was bad!

But that only works if you live in one of the children books.
This isn't awkward at all. >.<'
What isn't?
I was being sarcastic. Of course it's awkward.

And just multiple conversations...
Your WoW friend, or something else?
Nah, nothing's ever awkward with him. Absolutely nothing. Though he's always paranoid about accidentally insulting me or making me feel awkward...

Just... other people.


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