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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Megan! (whoa sorry, just had to help my mom fix her email, it took a bit)

I've been good, you?
XD I've been... meh, okay I guess.
Well, I guess that's good...

I've been doing loads of stuff for school, and I've been trying to be social, with people. Far more work than I would've expected to be normal...

Anything exciting going on down in the Valley?
Not really, no. Four day weekend. ^.^
Four? Damn, we only get three! Good old Martin Luther King, his awesomeness makes for a great vacation...
Yeah, we do the thing where, Tues-Thursday are "finals days" and then you get Friday off. It's nice unless you spend all four days being pissed over finals.
Wow, your district is so different than ours, we do finals right before the winter break and right before the summer break... and I think we lost our other 4 day weekend because of having so many snow days on that one really snowy day... :( I hate tests, I never do well.
Yeah, I wish we got to have finals before break.

And I... sometimes do well on tests, it depends. I failed my geometry final, and now I'll have a C+ on my semester report card. x.x

And my district is talking about moving finals to before break, but that'd mean they'd have to start the school year a month earlier. We'd go back on my birthday! XD
Yeah, I like having them before break because the info is all fresh in your mind, but it's a pain when your last class before break (where you can't pay attention cause you're basically already on break mentally) has a huge final, it's impossible to do well.

I'm horrible at tests, I just do well on everything else to make up for my bad test grades (shhhh, I just barely passed geometry my freshmen year, that class is a lot harder than I would've thought...)

Meh, it's a good system. I like it.
*nods* *would like that*

It's not that hard, for me, in this class anyways, I'm just lazy and spent most of the semester reading, writing, zoning out, talking, or doing just about anything to not pay attention. And I never did the hw. >.>

Yeah, but don't you guys start same time as us? (August 24-ish?)
Yeah, I usually prefer it that way, it makes sense...

I'm just not good at geometry, I'm beastly at algebra 1 and 2, but not geometry... but I'm bad at taking tests in any subject, I tend to second guess myself and change my answer to the wrong one...

Nah, we go back like august 5th or so usually. Though it was a bit later this year since they cut or fall break...
Hey, Kayte.


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