Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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>.br />
Yes you are, you just. . . . don't apply yourself. Or rather don't try.
Well, I guess that could have something to do with it.

I was trying to actually learn this, but oh look this little stick figure on xkcd said it all.
O.O The page numbers are back! *excited*

Good evening all, how is everyone?
-Agrees- The page numbers are very nice.

Kind of tired. And bored I guess.

Yeah, I missed them, this makes referring back a lot easier...

Aw, yeah... I'm okay, kind of tired, and cold because it's snowing and we ran out of fire wood. But, meh, I'm pretty chill right now.
*likes that*

Hey Kayte.

I'm... okay. You?
*does too*

Hey Megan!

I'm pretty good, just cold, what with all of the weather we've been getting lately.
And kind of excited, A picture my friend took a couple of years ago, showed up on FB. With us doing thumbs up with Jesus and Mary... Brings back great memories.
I'm uber, because I have a cute date to Formal.

8D That's so exciting! *hugs*

*Is amazed I snagged him*.

Shockingly, even my friends approve. They tend to think poorly of my choices in boys.

(Typical scenario:
Me: He's cute...
Friend: He's a pothead, Alana.
Me: But a nice pothead. He's really interesting if you talk to him,


Me: He's cute...
Friend: You moron. He's a geek.
Me: A hot geek.
Friend: Weirdo.

Generic friend. Gotta love 'em.)

And yes, SUPER exciting. I'm taking down my dad's thunder though- I keep on asking the guys to dances instead of the other way around and now he can't play the role of the overprotective father. It's hilarious.
XD, I know what you mean, I always used to have bad taste in boys (when I had real gril friends to swoon with)

Hahahahaha, it makes me picture my father being "overprotective dad" that would be a sight *chuckles*


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