Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Yeah, I got my mom's naturally pin-straight hair.

*nod* The most I've done to my hair was get it bobbed for about a year, but after that I've been growing it out. Hit a little beyond shoulder-length and quit.
I got my mom's hair, too. Love the natural highlights, hate the frizziness.

I could never grow mine out...I actually went through a tomboy stage and my mom just gave up and shaved most of it off...Now I just keep it shoulderlength and try to remind myself that getting up earlier to brush it will pay off. In the end.
Feeling super duper lazy. D: And school tomorrow. The horror! And I have to discuss a re-take on a test I never got vocab for...

Tomorrow is going to be tons and tons of fun.
I'm back.

Lamp - Yeah, I have an alter. A really obvious alter, Patrick suggested the name. Try to find it. XD Or just ask me. It's amazingly beautifully obviously me.
Thank God (or whatever deity you choose to believe in or deny the existence of) that you guys are making new accounts...I hate it when people get banned, honestly. Nothing makes sense when you look back over old conversations, I feel so lonely when there are no new responses to all my discussions...
I believe I mentioned earlier, I from last week on choose to worship teh Coffee and Internet Gods. (But they're totally cool with nicknames, that gets tiring to type out.)

I hate it when friends, or I, get banned. It hurts.
I still have my original account, if you can believe it. I have participated in some, um, questionable activities...but was never caught. Plus I'm pretty good at hinting or swearing creatively enough that it can't technically be an offense even if everyone knows what I mean...
I... didn't do anything to speak of -- other than some stuff that wasn't even covered under the ToS, combined with being an anti, arguing with Katy and Genn regularly, bitching when Nathan got banned, and some... other stuff. And hanging out with Lamp all the time didn't help me either. Then again, hanging out with me didn't really help her.... They just hated the lot of us.
They didn't really notice me, I guess. It probably helped that I didn't have as much time to be on as others, but I still am kind of amazed that I haven't been busted yet.
I pretty much lived there from.... Well, I was a lurker November on, in groups January to Marchish, and then from March on I pretty much lived on MX. They noticed me. Putting it lightly.
I was mostly involved in groups, started getting into the forums a little bit, started getting into the forum a lot, forgot about MX for a couple of months after the modwars "ended" and just went on for two groups, logged on one day and decided to check out the forums...

...ended up here ( :
I couldn't.... "forget" about MX. I mean, now I could, but at one point it was my main contact with everybody here. It screws up my entire day if I don't talk to certain interwebbers, I'm just that pathetic.


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