Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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*wants to steal your pie*
Do you like coffee cheesecake with Oreo crust?

Because that's essentially what it is. :D
*drools* No fair....
Heh-heh. :P
I have to go. My dad is ranting at me. Maybe it has something to do with being 30 minutes past when I was supposed to get off? Night guys. ^.^
G'night Luna.
XD Only possibly.

Nighty night.

Creepy stuff.

I saw your user pic, and thought it was me for a second... *headwall*
You seem so pleased about it. XD
Trying to decide whether to be excited or depressed about District Band.

It's the "highest honor" a middle school band student can achieve in our state, so I should be happy to have just made it, you know? Especially because I'm only in 2nd year and most of the other trumpets have been studying for three years.

But...GAH. We had our first rehearsal today (our concert's Saturday). It wasn't that bad, actually-most people were complaining about being tired but I felt fine...guess I have experience staying up late. ( ;

Thing is, it was mostly pretty easy...except there was a time signature I'd never seen before that I epically FAILED at...and everyone else is so-o much better...I'm like last chair (again, happy just to have made it...I'm used to being the best in class).

So it's fun..but intimidating.


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