Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Fuck this.

I'm tempted to ask Genn via MDW how many accounts they've banned that are supposedly "me."
That would be kind of funny.

"Genn, how many accounts have you banned with the suspicion of them being me?"
Yeah -- in this sense, just the gut feeling that "hmm, this random account is totally a banned user".
I know.

They must be speshul. >:|
It goes past "similar posting style, all the same friends, talks about exactly the same things, possibly maybe the same person" and into "the CIA mindrays told me" territory.
See, that's what some of my other alts could have been considered.


Dey haf majikul pwrs.
I didn't really give a rat's ass about pretending not to be myself with my first few alts -- my very first I only had a different name for a little while to keep this one group of creepers from creepin' on me, and then I changed it to nathan_p -- and I got away with murder for a while. And then they caught on.

Would you be so kind as to post her reply to that?
No! School!

*hugs everyone* :D I love you all!
I love you too.

*celebrates with tea*
It's a tea party!

A MAD tea party! Yay!

Unbirthdays all around!
The Boston Tea Party.


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