Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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More or less, yes.
Need to get a fiction press-but I read the sequel (yes, I read the first one.Bout two nights ago, actually. You were the cause of an hour of sleep loss ( : ). Sounds friggin' epic...I can picture you guys having those careers (Vegas! Yay!)
Good god, first they tell me that my sample is too long to send in one message, and then when I go back to cut a bit out, they screw with the format.

Clearly it just had too high of a concentration of awesomeness ( ;

I'm sure that's it.
Gawsh, she should get back on.
Damnit, I should go to bed-I get to go bowling for PE tomorrow. Should probably be awake for that.

Sayounara, guys.
Good night.
G'night. ^-^
Logging off, I've gotta finish my Homework. I'm pretty free tomorrow though, so hopefully I'll be on again. Goodnight everyone!
Have a good night. :)
Haha, I made a Train station on Pandora, and Mraz came. >:D

I'm going to lurk around for a bit longer, but then I'm off - I haven't done any of my work. >.>

I did finish the sample, and sent it in, though. Which makes me happy. Because if she gets on tomorrow, I can join. :D


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