Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Adoption? Good, that'll make the process of becoming un-n00bified easier without it seeming unusually fast. Once I adopted two n00bs as McFood... kinda. I mocked them by tYpnngg lYkk D!zz, but I gave advice at the same time. XD
Just watched The Man From Earth.

Quite possibly one of the greatest modern movies ever, if only because it manages to be badass without explosions, fight scenes, or even a change in scenery.
What's it about, then?
Basically, these guys are throwing their friend a goodbye party.

He begins to claim that he's actually an immortal caveman. (Yes, I realize how stupid that sounds.)

Anyways, it get's real philosophical and mental and deep and stuff as he explains his life, and has a pretty awesome conclusion. There's a ton of character developement, and a lot of tension. Wonderfully acted, wonderfully scripted, and wonderfully directed.

It's actually more interesting than it sounds.


Has a gutterbrain. >.<'
I'm feeling very energetic, and yet tired at the same time. Is that possible? O.o
*is screwed beyond belief*. *doesn't give a damn*.
*envious*. Once my little brother got a combination jaw-breaker lollipop thinger-ma-bob. It was called a Jawllipop. He never did finish it...
That's what she said! Sorry, I couldn't resist...


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