Adoption? Good, that'll make the process of becoming un-n00bified easier without it seeming unusually fast. Once I adopted two n00bs as McFood... kinda. I mocked them by tYpnngg lYkk D!zz, but I gave advice at the same time. XD
Permalink Reply by Fake on February 12, 2010 at 1:45pm
Just watched The Man From Earth.
Quite possibly one of the greatest modern movies ever, if only because it manages to be badass without explosions, fight scenes, or even a change in scenery.
Permalink Reply by Fake on February 12, 2010 at 1:52pm
Basically, these guys are throwing their friend a goodbye party.
He begins to claim that he's actually an immortal caveman. (Yes, I realize how stupid that sounds.)
Anyways, it get's real philosophical and mental and deep and stuff as he explains his life, and has a pretty awesome conclusion. There's a ton of character developement, and a lot of tension. Wonderfully acted, wonderfully scripted, and wonderfully directed.