Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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The beautiful work of Photoshop? :3 I hope...
No, Global Warming. Duh.
Wolf + Boston Terrier + penguin is what it looks like to me...
XD It's got a kind of endearing quality about it....
I am confusedededed. >.<'

*offers tea*
A lot of things. Unfortunately. I am so typical sometimes.
Care to elaborate? Either here or on one of out several other means of communication?
No. Well, yes. But I can't... I mean, technically I could but... no.

*might eventually just send you an email* *isn't guaranteeing anything*
Not that you'd want an email, I'd just be rambling psychotic nonsense that sounds like something out of any other typical teenage girl.

Rant at meh!

I'd very much appreciate that. Try to make it ten pages. :D

I'm pretty sure you would appreciate that, I just think it's also not for the same reason you think it is. >.>'


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