Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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That confused me, but I'm more curious now. What's going on? *worries*
Could you just write said email, let me know what happened, what we have to deal with/fix, so I don't assume the worst, like you're going to be locked up without any technology, etc?

You ranting would be a relief, I like to know what's going on, and I worry. . .. plus, I'm not there with you or anything, so all I know about you/your day is what you tell meh, which, frankly hasn't been much lately. *worries more*
I meant in a good way. >.>

And yeah, family sucks, but what I was talking to has nothing to do with that. It's not good, per se, but there are no dire consequences associated with it.

I haven't been telling you about my day? I'm the only one who ever talks in chat....
So. . . something good happened? Or just something I'll prolly like to hear about?

*thinks the opposite about chat*

What happened?! *glad to hear there's no dire consequences*
Nothing happened. It's just me being an idiot and allowing myself to think. And just something you might like to hear about.

*is pretty sure I'm the only one who ever talks*

Nothing happened. At all. I promise.

I've been randomly been going on about my day/random things, like Jason Otto. *still watching his videos* He has mad skillz. *nods*

Email, then! You have nothing to lose.
XD True. But I always go on about random things.

Yes, I do. I have a lot to lose.
*rolls eyes*

What could you possibly lose?
Plus, we both have a habit of telling the other something they wouldn't otherwise know/is slightly incriminating when one goes out on a limb to say something, so. . . . it'd all be good.

*wants to know what's going on* *wants email*
What could I possibly lose? The tiniest bit of dignity I might possibly have left, a whole slew of arguments, possibly somewhat of your opinion of me, among other things.

Just know I'm here for you, love you, and it's doubtful my opinion will change of you at this point.
Okay, maybe not your entire opinion of me as a person. But... just... Imma embarrass the hell out of myself. XD
Why is Fishy confusedededed? o.o
I don't even know myself sometimes.


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