Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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O.o An ant dropped onto my head out of nowhere.

So, being as smooth as I am, I squealed like a little girl and smashed it with a tissue box until it was a little black twitching ball. *shivers* <.> Meh.
We had ants in our old house all summer long.

I lived right under the infested room.

But I've never had any ceiling ants...
Ninja ant! *funky theme music*
@Xuut: Man I wouldn't be able to sleep...

o.o But it is very much winter here.

@Robotany: XD Well the Ninja ant was obviously bad at being a ninja. He had good theme music though...
Super Ninja Ants.

You have them.

You want them?
Not particularly.

Unless they eat small children. And do my chores.
If you train them to do your bidding. ^^

Are they easily stunned by stun guns?
No. *tried*

I'll take fifty, see how it goes.

You take Canadian money?
Any money is good money.

*gives fifty ants in a steel box* How much is $100 in Canadian money?


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