Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Usually people who get banned from one go to the other one under the same name.
Well, okay, so given that you're not me, it's probably 100% fine.

Being that I'm me, my opinion is a bit skewed regarding what will get you banned ._.
Well unless you've done something terribly, terribly, terrible they're okay with you being there.

I really couldn't care less if I was banned from TTS.
*looks at everyone's suggestions*

Hm...I'll make two accounts. That way if Pyro H2O is banned from there too, I immediately have something to fall back on. *didn't have that with MDW*
In reality, both sites switch from them needing to be approved to just it being open/private.

*used to have countless alts on TTS as well* *only has Lamp now*

MX will occasionally have it where when you sign up it doesn't need to be approved, this is when you make 10 accounts or so . . .
Went flying about an hour ago. Brain is still mush. Fuuuuuuuck.
Cream under your eyeball? What the hell did you do to your eye?
^ what she said.
It died.
Aw, hate thread goes bye-bye.
Heard somebody got some good screencaps, though.


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