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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Well, hello, Captain Obvious.

Saturday, per moi.
Listening to Jack Johnson
Thinking about my early days on TTS
Being excited about RPing tonight, hopefully :D


It's my room, why do I have to clean it? Maybe I like it messy, Mom! >:l

XD Can't it just stay messy, mother? You don't have to live in it, right?
I mean, nobody even comes in there but me. It's not HER room. Why should I have to clean it to make it look nice if I keep my door shut anyway?!
Parents are odd like that. They feed you, so you must obey. Even if it's your cave (that's what they call my room :D), it's in their house.

It's the same here. My door is shut 95% of the time, but my room must be at least mildly clean. >.> Tis most sucky.
I just shove everything under my bed
._.' I dun have an under my bed.
Sitting at home feeling in need of a shower. But I dunno if I have time to take one :\

...whatever, my dad just left. Five-minute showers ftw \o/
Stephenie Meyer continues to shock the reader by revealing fascinating information during the final paragraphs of the next few chapters.

Chapter 15 ends with Alice saying, "My powers are ridiculous."

Chapter 16 ends with Carlisle saying, "I'm handsome and blonde. Also old."

Chapter 17 ends with Esme saying, "My baby is dead."

Chapter 18 ends with Rosalie proclaiming, "I'm kind of a b-word."

Chapter 19 ends with Angela saying, "Bella treats me like crap, but I don't mind because I'm just a third-tier character who is easily forgettable. I don't even know what my last name is."

Chapter 20 ends with Conner saying, "Who the hell am I?"

Chapter 21 ends with Tanya saying, "Brr. Alaska is cold."

Chapter 22 ends with Mike Newton saying, "I named my bed Bella Swan. What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

And the entire book ends with Bella telling us, "I love Edward. But I also love Jacob. I love Jacob like a brother. I love Edward like a husband….a husband in waiting. And yet, I also love Jacob. But my love for Jacob is more brotherly. Whereas my love for Edward is more passionate, like a lover. However, one must consider that I also love Jacob, even if my love for Jacob is family-oriented. So is Jacob also my lover? Jake is more a friend, really. Edward is someone I love. Also? I love Jacob. Love can be different and difficult. I'm pale."


Oh, Dan. XDD
*luffles her iTouch*


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