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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Feeling pretty content. :D
Three happy people in a row? On this site? Who sent out the free shipments of laughing gas and why didn't I get any!?

Also: 34000!
I feel awesome, too! :D But it has nothing to do with laughing gas or anything. XD I just feel badass.
It's really sad that this isn't a more common occurrence. D:

Got back from the Fencing thingee.

Twas fun until I had to get home. I waited for a bus for ten minutes, gave up and walked to a bus terminal twenty-five minutes away, had to endure some assholes making sarcastic comments on said bus for five minutes and then I had to walk another ten minutes home.

Also, on a bus do you have to pull that yellow cord thing?
*pats on back* At least you made it home in one piece. We don't have buses around here, so I have no idea.

*glances around* I've been missing for a couple of days-I have a really good excuse, though. My friends and I got in trouble because *winces* a policeman drove by while we were climbing a roof.

Pretty stupid, I know. But really, we didn't break anything, we didn't steal antyhing. All he could really say was "don't climb roofs, kids."

Still grounded 'til Friday, though. *grrrr*
:| Damn, that sucks. Wait, why the hell were you climbing a roof?
Aw, thanks.


Was it the roof of YOUR house or...?
Nah, 'twas a local park-like area. No idea who owns it, but it's got a playground and there's a softball team that practices there. My friend told me it's church property? But it's not near a church *shrugs*

We hang out there all the time due to boredome and had climbed basically everything imaginable there, except the roof. I noticed this area where a couple of bricks were poking out and wondered if I could use them to get up. I just wanted to see if I could do it, really.

And I could do it, *grins* I don't regret climbing-just getting caught. And while I guess it was illegal, there's things that are illegal that aren't wrong, you know? (I suppose it was pretty dangerous, but I mean, it was only about eight feet up. Not like a mega-high building or something). We respected the place, too-even took care of it sometimes because nobody else seemed to be.

Anyway, I've learned my lesson now, I suppose. Get permission before climbing on property that's within site of buildings or roads that cop cars might drive down.

But I got off pretty easy-just have to do a bunch of volunteer crap, write an apology letter (apparently the church does own it. The minister wants to talk to me...gah...going to have to try REALLY HARD not to be sarcastic), try to convince the parents of the kids who were with me that I'm not a bad influence and should still be allowed to hang around with their kids...

I'm only grounded until Friday, though! And they weren't smart enough to take away the Internet!
Aw, well that sucks. But it sounds fun.

Yeah, like downloading a song or jaywalking.

XD No sarcastic comments. Or you might get grounded again. Well if you've had a relatively clean record before and you're doing well (more or less) in school I'm sure they won't mind. Or maybe that's just my friend's parents because they know how much of a goody-two-shoes I once was.
It was fun. So sad it's ending. But I figure, maybe by the end of summer, when they're less suspicious...

They seemed really mad when their parents picked them up, but I talked to my friends today and they said it was no big deal (and they got off easier than me...grrr). Neither of the parents know me really well-but, I mean, I've never done anything like this before as far as they know
Good keep the illegal activity to yourself. Parents are a tad judgmental.

XD Maybe you can use that to get off a little easier?

Do you look innocent and good and what not? I find that really helps when trying to convince someone you're not a bad person.


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