Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I liiive!

Only a little. I'm at my Dad's office on my sister's laptop. *waves*

260,000 people in NH were without power yesterday. Still over 200,000 I think today...

We's glad you ish alive tho! :D
You liiive!

^^ Yay! You're one of the not 200,000.
*actually, is*

I don't have power at my mom's or my dad's... D:
:| That sucks. I hate it when the power goes out. Sometimes I don't mind, but if I was doing something electronic-related... >.>

Why does my brain hold on to things no matter how hard I try to reject the idea?!?
My eating habits are seriously, seriously screwed up.

List of things I've eaten today:
Starbucks chai latte
Starbucks cinnamon roll
Goldfish crackers

It is officially almost five o'clock. v.v
You're not alone. XD

I had a little bit of Chinese take-out when I woke up this morning... then I had a girl scout cookie an hour or so ago. It's seven here.
What kind of cookie? *wonders if you have the same kinds that we do*

Yeah, I need to eat something. >.>
We're going out to dinner in a couple minutes, though.
Thin mints. XD I also have Caramel Delites. :D Those are my two favorites.
*going out to eat*



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