Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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The ending is... interesting, if nothing else. That book was wicked sad. (Also -- I advise stopping after the "first" ending. You'll know which one it is 'cause it's followed, if I recall, by a big note from King telling you not to continue.)

I was really impressionable when I read the books, so they've all developed into people I admire. In a sense, I still want to be Roland. There are worse things, I guess.
I'll remember that, but I probably won't be able to resist reading them both still. :/

I'll reserve judgement until I've finished it...
That's what I did too XD

I need to reread the series, as a matter of fact.
Okay, it was a dumb idea to post here when I vowed I'd get offline. xP I must go read now. *vanishes*
I feel like I have something to do, but I don't know what it is.

This PJO guide to writing fic in bold letters has, "DON'T WRITE LIKE MAXIMUM RIDE."

And keep prodding at JP's failed attempts at "the bigger picture."

I like it.
*understands completely*

*should really do homework now though...*
-Is happy-

I've been freakishly homework free this week and the last. The only thing I have to do is a project due after March Break. Which is really easy.

I shouldn't have that much, but this project is due Friday and it was kind of assigned in November...
@Fishy: O.o How did you manage that?

@Nawsomes: XD Compromise with your teachers.
I just decided that not reading the book, starting the packet of questions, or the essay, or the character map, sounded like a fantastic idea.
Well it would have been a good idea at the time...

-Would've done that-


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