Being awake at 5:30 like I am every day.
So... Freaking... Tired...
Yes, we have a two-hour delay. So why am I up at 5:30? Mom's a teacher. She has to get to school on time. >.<' This is so stupid.
How the hell am I gonna get to school now?
Took my first nap in what feels like forever, but was probably less than two weeks. :3 I feel loads better than I did. >.> And it wasn't even a real nap. It was one of those 'I'm-not-asleep-but-my-eyes-are-closed-so-don't-bother-me' naps.
...The shorter term for it is 'power nap', yes? :D
Apparently I'm subconsciously plotting Jessica's death. >> *denies this* I keep trying to feed her food with peanuts/ peanut butter/ nuts/ made in factories that process nuts without realizing it. It's a good thing she doesn't trust me or I might have killed her. *has already almost killed her on more than one occasion*