Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Being happy that the only work I have to worry about is for English, though that should scare me enough in and of itself.
Off again, but on the bright side, I've been on more frequently? See y'all whenever. Bye. *waves*


True friends stab you in the front!

Mark Twain! (samuel clements)
Funny, I come back 11 minutes after you leave. >.> Damn.

:D But you are getting on more frequently. See ya'. Bye.
Failing at studying for Legal. Failing at doing my Lit. Wasting the three minutes of class.
I hate pretty much every grade level around here from middle school through high school except for the seniors and a couple of juniors. And my friends.
-Offers cookies-

If it makes any difference a good chunk of my grade is either, a.) stupid, b.) immature, or c.) a combination of both. I just keep gritting my teeth and reminding myself next year I don't have to endure their immature, stupid asses. Well the really stupid, immature ones any ways.

It's not just your grade and school. Just... try to endure them alright?
My school is full of idiots. 1% Of my grade isn't a complete idiot or somebody who squees over a kid named Skylar or a somebody who doesn't do his/her work at all and gets highlights and marks.

Thar one percent is me and my friends.
Having lived in a similar scenario for my entire middle school career, I deeply sympathize.

The way I dealt with it though is not preferable socially.
Knowing I've got a long night ahead due to procrastination and trying to re-learn myself in chess. :| Wanting my mom to go to sleep. Preferably right now so I can get this homework done. Of course, I always have the morning...

:D Yay, she sleeps now! Time to finish that packet.
Been there, done that, still doing so to some extent.

My recommendation for a quick fix for the moment?
Get some chocolate.
Not a ton, just a bar. Chocolate is one of the two weird types of food out there that release the chemical dopamine in your head, dopamine being the chemical behind a good chunk of human pleasure. I as an example always get myself a chocolate milkshake after each of my math tests, it prevents me from goiong crazy out of anxiety.


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