Body Worlds? It's an exhibition of plastinated bodies. Part Two: Electric Boogaloo opens in Denver next Friday. (Oh, and you may recognize the name of the dude who invented the technique -- Dr. Gunther von Hagens. Like Roland Emmerich, his is a name that makes me giggle like a fangirl every single time. Tee hee.)
Pfft, they'll all be, like, schoolkids and old people. But cool.
Roland isn't an especially common name -- I've only seen it in MR and Dark Tower as a character's name -- but the real name of one main character in Metal Gear is Hal Emmerich.
\o/ Danke! (...admittedly, my first thought was that Jeb, obviously, collects sexy ties. wtf brain)
Wait, no, I lie. There was a character on The X-Files named Roland. Worked in some sort of crazy aviation testing lab, too ._. I couldn't make this up if I tried, either.