Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Almost done with half of a paragraph. >.>

Edit: Yeah, I'm screwed. So I'm working as hard as I fucking can for the next hour. G'night.
I'm tired, plus my parents will be all "omg you have tests tomorrow why the hell didn't you go to sleep earlier?!" if I don't get enough rest.

Eating a leftover black and bleu burger. Mmm.
Munching on a Hot Pocket, feeling content. Forgetting I have homework... ^^
Meeting my friends at *$ later.

Yes, I said "*$" to say Starbucks, so what?
How is Tech Ed a torture chamber?
Aw. That sucks. I advocate being a bitchy student and screwing with the minds of/outsmarting bad teachers, personally...
Dude, if I were you.... wait until he makes a big deal out of something. Pencils. If he blows up about somebody forgetting a pencil, the next day, show up with a case of four hundred of them.
Sounds like the kind of person who should never be let near kids (and not because he's a pedophile...)

Mr. Plas is a funny name

There are some teachers that are just horrible like that, but sometimes you can get along with strict teachers just so long as you follow their rules. Best of luck, anyway.

(and if following their rules doesn't work, you can always do what Fishy said ( : )
*is tackled*

All my teachers are pretty easy going-I'm able to read under the desk in all my classes, just so long as I'm not too disruptive. There are a couple who refuse to allow me to wear hats, though.
Standardized testing is godawful. >.<'

Happy now, though. :D
Internet stalking certain writers and artists. >.>


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