:3 In a good mood. No school tomorrow, and today I went to Barnes and Nobel with two friends and got three paperbacks. Lord of the Flies that I shall read tomorrow, Blood Beast that I need mostly for fan fiction, and *drum roll* :D Nightlight, the published Twilight parody. So far it is very much amusing, and I'm going to make sure that a particular Twilight squee in my school sees it.
Everyone says it's really good, so I'm going to try it. If I don't like it...*shrug* fifteen dollars down the drain. I'll live. But I have a feeling I'll like it.
XD I find it very much amusing. And also the fact that they got a parody published made me squeal with joy. I wanted my friend to get it so I could mooch off her instead of using up all my money, but she was getting a book on Werewolves. So yeah.
Today, my girlfriend dumped me proclaiming she wanted someone more like her "Edward". I asked her who Edward was. She held up a copy her "Twilight" book. She was talking about a fictional vampire. FML