Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Xuut! Hey!
I find that the days Fate is on you're on.

Or at least most of the days.
Ha, we secretly coordinate...

Hello there.
Emily! I missed you...
I've missed you too. We need to get better at the keeping in touch thing.

How've you been?
I know right! We're pretty much failing...

I've been fairly good, you?
Unfortunately so...

Yeah, I'm rather good. Incredibly glad that school has stopped for the moment and I'm on holidays.
*jealousy* I wish we were on vacation right now...
Good, though aren't you just getting close to the end of your last year of school?
Not... exactly.

Our seasons are swapped around, so Summer's over Christmas time, and the school year runs Feb - Dec. My final exams and everything will be in November, so I've got a fair way yet.

You'd be nearing the start of your final year though... Excited/ nervous/ looking forward to freedom and college?
*never would've known this* Oh, I didn't know that the school year swapped too O.O So then, you're only starting your last year...

Kind of, feeling melancholy. Our budget's in the toilet, so most of our classes are cut and our teachers are being laid off. Kind of sucks for a final year. But I'm looking forward to college. Get away from California, and see something new.
XD Staying in school through our Summer wouldn't have been very fun. And you'd forget everything if you had that break in the middle of the year.

Yep, I've only just finished the first term.

No, doesn't sound terribly fun at all.
Oh, but new places are exciting. Where are you hoping to go?

I'm staying in Melbourne, not going anywhere, but the change in people will be nice. If only because I've been with the same group of girls for like 10 yrs now. As lovely as they are, change can be a good thing.


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