Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Oh god. Religious crap again.

Lady: "So I gave studies to this lady for a year and she stopped doing drugs, being a lesbian, and all those bad things."

Lady:"Harry Potter is full of magic and where does magic some from?"
Me: "From wands." *miming a spell*

Me:*frustrated* "So I have gay friends. Are they evil?"
Lady: "No, they're not evil. But their actions are bad."

Me: "And the people in South Africa who get AIDs; are they bad?"
Lady: "They have videos where men rape 2-month-old children."

Lady: "You know the bible sells 1 million copies every week."
Me: "Harry Potter sold 400 million copies between 1997 and June 2008."

Mom throughout this all: *smiling*
There was a church bus in my town yesterday. A bus, but it was a church. *random*
I've become a running joke in my creative writing class. My professor and classmates determined to find one poem that I will give a positive review to before the end of the semester.
They've set themselves up for failure, I think. Even if you would have liked it had you read it before the contest, now you'll give a bad review by default. XD

EDIT: Hi ya, by the way.
HI! How've you been?
Doesn't the trailer look amazing? :3
Nothing can compare to the original. >./body>
*seconds this*
I'm pretty sure my brother's not going to be asking me questions for awhile.

"Megan, how do you tell if an egg is hard-boiled or not cooked?"
*takes egg* *runs out to kitchen* *hits on side of sink*
"Nope, it wasn't hard-boiled. Ew..."

I think you could've been able to tell by shaking it, too, though.
XD It worked. I got egg all over both of our hands and the kitchen counter, but hey. We figured it out.
You could have spun it...
It it spins on the counter (flat) then it's hardboiled...


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