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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Ah, that's awesome then.

I can't take anything but the shitty school I'm being enrolled in. v.v Lousy location. I don't think our schooling system offers that...
Mine does, but it's terribly hard to get into. I've already started testing for it. . .. but the testing just goes on. . .and on. . .and on. >.>

Do you have a running start-like programme, at all, then?
>.> Ruddy testing.

Yeah, AP Classes which in twelfth grade extends in Calculus which is technically a University course. Only the main classes have them though, so Science, English and Math. You can also take like, eleventh grade classes like Bio 11 in grade ten.
Oh, have fun with those.
Quite simply, you'd go out of your mind in a stupid class due to sheer boredom.
I found myself stuck in one such class last semester, and halfway through one particular class I was so frustrated that I took the teacher's entire lecture for the day, invalidated it through a bunch of basic history, sociological and economics facts, and he was forced to start the next class's topic to make up for it, and I was just overall pissed that we'd even had to bother.

Trust me, stay in upper level.
Looking at everyone talk about school, I feel the need to complain about my schedule for next year.

This year, for band, I have rehearsal every other day for the entire block. On the alternate days, freshman and sophomores completed their requirements for PE and Health, while the upperclassmen were given a study hall.

The people who have a study hall are "losing credits", because they are not completing any courses, they are just sitting in study hall.

The original plan for next year was to pick a required class for each grade and have everyone in band take that class on the opposite day. Example, freshman would be PE/health, while sophomores would take history.

But nope. The school ddn't want to give band kids specific classes. What are we going to do instead? We are going to be in the band room every day all block all year, with one day as rehearsal and the other for individual practice.

So instead of being able to take a second elective every day, like everyone else, I am reciveing twice the music credit. I DON'T NEED TWICE THE MUSIC CREDIT. I've fullfilled my music requirement by completing /one/ year of band already.

People with block scheduling with understand why I'm upset by this: I don't get to take any classes during 3rd block for the rest of my high school career. The "extra" band I'm taking? Worth two classes every year. Four if I wasn't in band.

And with a language added, I only get two electives every year total. Everyone else gets eight. V.V

I'm just bitter because next year I have to take Latin I and Latin II, because guidance screwed me over. (Meaning I now have /zero/ electives for next year.)

It's just...I don't even like band. Not that I'm going to quit, but this is a /way/ bigger commitment that I was planning on.
Sorry for the long post. >.>

Sounds like someone needs a hug. *hugs*

Hey, if it's any consolation, anyone with a firm understanding of English grammar will find Latin a breeze. I learned more about grammar in Latin than I ever did in my grammar workbooks.

What instrument do you play?
I was in band for four freaking years, the last one Marching Band. Word of advice: DON'T DO IT. It sucks. It's full-time/entire-life commitment for high school, and if you don't absolutely love band or want to devote your entire life to it, you probably shouldn't join.

Of course, I never was actually good at it, and physical activity is just a nuh-uh for me. But still... we had an hour and a half of class every day, band camp before school started, an hour after school Monday, two hours after on Tuesday, two hours Thursday, football games Friday, and competitions Saturday. This is why I failed Algeba 2 honors, and had to retake it as a CP class. >.<' Plus, the band director was an asshole.
@Penelope: Percussion - I'm also in the drumline. And thanks. -was really looking forward to Latin this year-

@Nighthawk: I can't imagine not doing band. I dislike it while I do it, but afterwords it's always satisfying and I miss it.
Our band director is simply /crazy/. Like, not healthy. She's a bit old, and doesn't have a brain-mouth filter. *hilarious*
But yeah, I know the schedule. You have a competitive marching band too? Highstep or rollstep?

EDIT- I shouldn't really complain about not taking Latin this year - I met my boyfriend in the elective I took instead of Latin.. xD
Rollstep. I played flute. :\ I pretty much sucked at it. Yeah, the kids also weren't great to work with if you weren't a really great player and good at remembering every step. I kind of miss the challenge of it, too... but I just don't have the time for it all. I have too many other things to do. Plus, I'm lazy. :P I also suck at remembering/memorizing stuff... so trying to remember every step and every note without paper was horrible for me, and it didn't help that I can't even jog a quarter mile without collapsing. So, maybe it was just me.
I miss the director we had in 6th and 7th grade... She was awesome. Then we had the stupid Mr. Jones in 8th, who made us go down a level and play stuff we'd already played, and with the 7th graders to boot, so we went from a Superior (1) rating to an Excellent (2) rating. 1 is the best you can get, and the worst is 4. >.<' At that point in time I was the best flute player in the school, too. Now I haven't played in over a year... *wince* The high school band director, though... lots of girls think he's "hot," but I still think he's an asshole. He still says we owe money for band camp too, when I watched Mom hand him the check last year. >.<'
In class essay today was awful. I didn't finish, and just reading back through it pretty much assured that I won't get higher than a C. Perfect. It's in my favorite class, with one of my top three favorite teachers that I've had...ever. I'm hugely disappointed in myself.


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