I can't complain about my schedule, because I have no idea what it'll be yet.
So we have online courses offered through an online HS and BYU.
Specifically, to me, we have health and Algebra 2.
Now, one semester = 5 credits.
Health is one semester, A2 is two semesters.
Which equals 15 credits.
We're only allowed 10 credits of online classes over summer.
AND, on top of that...
We can only get them if we're 1) Credit deficient (no), 2) Making up a failed course (no), or 3) Have an impacted schedule (yes).
Now, my schedule's impacted in that I'll be allowed health.
However, they don't consider "but I want to take pre-calc as a sophomore!" impacted.
EVEN THOUGH my schedule is actually impacted.
To them, giving me A2 over summer would do nothing for that.
Which, really, it wouldn't...
Other than allow me to take 5-6 years of maths in 4 years.
*finished ranting now*
I know this'll seem stupid to a lot of you, as you don't even have the option, but... gah. It's irritating. My school just got their online course info up, so this is annoying me at the moment. On the other hand, they offer independent study PE. Which... could be fun. XD