Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Even if she is bitter, she'll probably get over it.

And emotions are rather difficult to read over the interwebz.

So yay. Maybe she isn't being a bitch after all. XD
XD Oh Yu-Gi-Oh. Every time I decide to just watch an episode, I giggle endlessly. I remember when I was younger, and it was the coolest show in existence...

Yami speaking to Joey in his yelling voice..."And I'll always protect you!" + Odd position movement and poses = Laughing spasm

I hated that show.

Pokemon > Yu-Gi-Oh.
D: Awwww, I loved it. To death. My mom bought me and my brother endless decks upon decks of Yu-Gi-Oh cards that are still laying around the house in random places...

^^ I had room in my heart for both, though I preferred Yu-Gi-Oh.
We had the cards and stuff but I sucked horribly at it.

Maybe that's why I didn't like it...
'Night guys.
G'night. I'll make sure to get on Pirates tomorrow, sorry about that. :\
Nighty night.
Vampire Weekend has an album entitled "Contra". :D

Listening to a VW song on Pandora.
Not working.
Being marginally uncomfortable.
I feel like shit. :D

My dad just spent the last few hours doing his absolute best to drive me into a near suicidal depression.

Primarily, getting all pissed off at me for my total apathy towards everything, and indecisiveness. Followed by repetively reminding me that A, I feel no positive emotions whatsoever, and B, I have no goals, no interests, no motivation, no purpose, and no desire to do anything in life. I'm not talking about college or a job-this is life in general.

And he wouldn't get the hint that I just don't want to think about it.

Then my mom joined in.

:D Yay life.
o.o Dude...

*gives entire cookie jar and hugs* I'm sorry. And they should win Parenting Award of the Year.
Your parents are total dipshits.

Also, even though I'm just a random person on the internet -- for what it's worth I think you're pretty awesome.


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