Totally spazzed in the middle of the Target today. Saw the new Artemis Fowl book, that NOBODY TOLD ME ABOUT, and started freaking out. "WHAT? No. Way. I didn't know the new one was out yet! I knew there was talk of a new one a while ago! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG.... *Spazzspazz* *Happydance*"
And yes, I do say omg in real life. And like, oh em gee, not Oh My Gosh.
I have to finish To Kill A Mockingbird first, but I can't wait to read it. Artemis becomes schizophrenic, hahaha.
That's what I said. It's called The Atlantis Complex. He gets this fairy disease called the Atlantis Complex. Do you want me to type the inside cover summary thing-y?
I'm one of the only people at school who still does that character day stuff. This year I was Maximum Ride. I got to wear wings all day long. Until 8th when I was in the Library. I was putting my books up when I overheard a teacher talking to one of his students.
"Who is she supposed to be?"
"The girl with wings."
"I don't know."
"She looks like one of those Victoria's Secret girls."