Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Exactly. It's manipulating primal human nature.
Totally spazzed in the middle of the Target today. Saw the new Artemis Fowl book, that NOBODY TOLD ME ABOUT, and started freaking out. "WHAT? No. Way. I didn't know the new one was out yet! I knew there was talk of a new one a while ago! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG.... *Spazzspazz* *Happydance*"

And yes, I do say omg in real life. And like, oh em gee, not Oh My Gosh.

I have to finish To Kill A Mockingbird first, but I can't wait to read it. Artemis becomes schizophrenic, hahaha.
That's what I said. It's called The Atlantis Complex. He gets this fairy disease called the Atlantis Complex. Do you want me to type the inside cover summary thing-y?
Me too... But hey, I'll trade a good Artemis with OCD, paranoia, multiple personality disorder, and who confesses his love for Holly any day. xD
.... Yeah...
Yeah. It didn't matter so much in the first few, but now.....
I really liked the Time Paradox, but my favorite would have to be The Eternity Cube, or whatever. The third one.

I have it upstairs, but I'm too lazy to go get it.
You should. It was pretty good, actually. Twice the Artemis, twice the Opal.
Niiice... I can so imagine what you said.

I'm one of the only people at school who still does that character day stuff. This year I was Maximum Ride. I got to wear wings all day long. Until 8th when I was in the Library. I was putting my books up when I overheard a teacher talking to one of his students.

"Who is she supposed to be?"
"The girl with wings."
"I don't know."
"She looks like one of those Victoria's Secret girls."

Yeah. I took them off after that.
Awkward interruption. Lololololololol. Jessie~The~Sexpot strikes again.
*worse interruption*



I must get it.




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