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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Pretty self-explanatory, eh? Oodles of smart people who are all smart in different areas means one thing; a kick ass homework help forum. So, have at it.

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1) The teacher must have included a rubric with this. What were the exact instructions?

2) This isn't in proper essay form. There's no thesis, no supporting statements.

3) Unless it's in the rubric, never say "I, me, we, you" or any variation thereof.

4) You ask a lot of questions, but don't give any answers. Teachers are looking for analysis, namely in the form of you trying to find solutions to your own question. THIS IS THE MAIN REASON.
1. There was a rubric on the format and a few other things. I kind of lost it, which I'm sure must have taken off around 5 to 10 points. Though I did expect that.
2. I guess that would have taken some points off.
3. That actually was in the rubric. We had to talk about our thoughts.
4. Okay, that makes sense. I didn't think of that. I might look over my friend's thing and compare ours just to see what she did and I didn't do. That should help.
So thanks for the help on it, that explains a lot.
Teachers always say that. I have no idea why... I think it's supposed to be encouraging? You might look at the grading curve, possibly it was just a really hard assignment? Or maybe she just said the wrong number?
I'm not sure, because she didn't say "Good job" like she usually does when I get a good grade.
Meh. *shrugs* I'm homeschooled... I did the best I could, but I'm not an authority.
But I might have just been hearing 65 when she said 75, because I wasn't really paying attention and just thinking how I got a bad score on my quiz. Well not terrible, an 85, but I could've done much better because I only studied for 5 minutes at lunch right before the quiz. I even made up a few words and hoped they were the right words.
I'm literally going to kill myself soon. Screw you politics so...

Who were major political figures for these Canadian parties:
Bloc Quebecois
and Green.

And what were some important bills these parties had?
Differences between the way the Bubonic Plague was dealt with in the 13th and 17th century, anyone? Preferably in Britain and/or Europe. I don't know if it reached America, but yus.
Does it have to be professionally worded?

13th century: plague totally caused by Jews / sin; no understanding of how it spread (dealing with it = hide somewhere remote and pray really hard); extremely high mortality. Oh, and it also caused the middle class to emerge, being that it killed so many of the nobles.

17th century: OH FUCK NOT THIS AGAIN. The plague didn't spread nearly as far, and mortality rates were lower. There was also slightly more understanding of how the plague spread in the first place; apparently some people had begun to understand that hey, it spreads through fleas. Less widespread OH SHIIIIT panicking, but people did still flee the cities.

Re. America + the plague: Dunno when it got to us, but it does still kill a few people a year. Our prairie dogs carry it, and some people are still dumb enough to not get treatment for an illness with really, really obvious symptoms.
Thankyouuuuuu. :D That's fine, I just need to know the basic points.

o.e Uh, wow.

Yeah. It's treatable with antibiotics, so you just have to be incredibly stupid to die from it anymore.
*randomly revives thread*

I have this horrid summer review Maths packet, and I just finished (most of) it, but we were never taught how to solve those inequalities things. Does anyone know?


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