Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

ARG --- Alternate Reality Game

A project to recreate Itex-era documents showing the rise of Itex as a company, and the creation of the Maximum Ride characters. Initial discussion on "What are you doing" thread starts HERE.

The story will chronicle Elena Mueller (known by her internet alias "Valentine") after her return from a trip to Germany, and the discovery of the various Itexicon files.

(I'll start updating this OP over the weekend to start compiling the files)

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Good catch...damn, this is trickier than I thought it would be.
I'm just going with 'shootin' the shit, and by the way I got a bunch of Reichsministers to sign on giving y'all more funding'. And I'll see where it goes from there.

...also I just noticed that subtle shot at Jeb being a fucking hikikomori XD

I'm a terrible nerd, shoot me.

I love this so so so much.
Here's the text of the Nazi letter. I'm in the process of finding a decent background for it :\

Frau Janssen:

Vielen Dank für das Material, das Sie zu mir geschickt. Die neuen Beschränkungen Kriegszeiten haben es sehr schwer für mich zu sichern ausreichend Material für meine Arbeit, und es war sehr nett von Ihnen an mich zu denken, wenn Sie keinen Zweifel leiden aufgrund der gleichen Beschränkungen sind. Ich hoffe, ihr seid alle gut ergeht in Lendeheim, und dass die laufenden Luftangriffen nicht halten Sie von Ihrer Arbeit.

Herr Todt war ganz mit Ihren Ergebnissen, wenn ich sie geschickt, um ihn beeindruckt, und er ist mit Herr von Krosigk verhandeln, um mehr Mittel für das Institut zu vereinbaren. Fritz stimmt mit mir - Ihre Arbeit bei Lendeheim möglicherweise von großer Bedeutung für das Reich sein.

Hoffentlich werden Sie diesen Brief ohne allzu große Verzögerung zu erreichen. Der Beitrag wurde in letzter Zeit unzuverlässig, und einige meiner Briefe sind nicht an ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Ich weiß, Sie werden mir verzeihen, aber ich muss noch entschuldigen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

August Hirt


Mrs. Janssen:

Thank you very much for the materials you sent to me. The new wartime restrictions have made it very difficult for me to secure sufficient materials for my work, and it was very kind of you to think of me when you are no doubt suffering due to the same restrictions. I trust you are all faring well in Lendeheim, and that the ongoing air raids are not keeping you from your work.

Mr. Todt was quite impressed with your results when I sent them to him, and he is negotiating with Mr. von Krosigk to arrange more funding for the Institute. Fritz agrees with me -- your work at Lendeheim may be of great importance to the Reich.

Hopefully this letter will reach you without too much delay. The post has been unreliable lately, and some of my letters have been failing to reach their destinations. I know that you will forgive me this, but I still must apologize.

Yours faithfully,

August Hirt]

I must say, your level of historical accuracy is superb, as is the complexity of the German! Great work!

That aside, if you could slip in a comment in there somewhere on what it is exactly Janssen is doing, "...funding for the institute. This longevity serum has naturally been met with great acclaim. Fritz agrees..." it would be useful clarification, and explain a lot.
I eat, sleep, and breathe history. I may specialize in the 1890s, but I do, uh, dally in dem Nazis.

I'm not going to repost the entirety, but something along the lines of:

"Fritz agrees with me -- your work at Lendeheim may be of great importance to the Reich. The longevity serum in particular has been met with great acclaim."

[German: Fritz stimmt mit mir - Ihre Arbeit bei Lendeheim möglicherweise von großer Bedeutung für das Reich sein. Die Langlebigkeitimpf im Besonderen mit großem Erfolg erfüllt.]

Note: this in particular is rather clumsy -- but yes, Langlebigkeitimpf is 'longevity serum'.
Langlebigkeitimpf? XD nice word.

Hey Nathan. Langle-BOOM-BOOM-DOWN!
stfu, German = hards ;_____;


German = looks just close enough to engrish to screw you over. Twice. Sideways.

Mmmmhmmm. Love you too, Nat, dear.
I knooooooow.

Re: Voices.

I can't do bad Chinese accents (like, ever heard older versions of Jackie Chan's English speaking attempts?) but I can do Cantonese (mind you I have an accent, although I don't think anyone who doesn't speak it a lot will recognize it.) And I can give direct translations, and even Cantonese terms for places (like I know what America is.) I'm not sure if I sound twelve on recordings when I'm not speaking English though.
Based off of what I've heard, your plain, American accent is very nice and properly mature sounding, but the way you talk is free enough that it would actually make a very good Anne Walker.

Now there's a fun idea, I again wish to bring up the idea of a discussion between multiple people. You can do Anne, Nathan can do Janssen, I can continue with the ter Borcht thing, and maybe we can recruit Devil's Sunrise to do Jeb.


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