Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

ARG --- Alternate Reality Game

A project to recreate Itex-era documents showing the rise of Itex as a company, and the creation of the Maximum Ride characters. Initial discussion on "What are you doing" thread starts HERE.

The story will chronicle Elena Mueller (known by her internet alias "Valentine") after her return from a trip to Germany, and the discovery of the various Itexicon files.

(I'll start updating this OP over the weekend to start compiling the files)

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:DDD Your voice is friggen sexy/awesome!
EDIT: "mouse moving."
Alright, it's horrible. However, since I'm a bit tired, I'm uploading it so you can tell me which parts to fix/change.

Sorry about the lack of pauses between each line, I start rushing.
Awesome job! You got the inflection down right, and each line sounded properly delivered.

One little thing that bugged me though, and I get the feeling that this was completely unintentional and accidental; you're blowing into the microphone. If it can be edited out, it ought to be.
I notice that too, and I try not to. I'm gonna run it again with a bit more patience on my end.

EDIT: Fixed that. I think. Microphone is very quiet, so it's at my chin to avoid the air and being amplified so you can hear it. Only side effect is slight static, but I can edit that out with Audacity.
Can't wait to hear it!

Alright, so, after recording, I amplified it a tiny bit and decided to change the pitch a bit. "Jeb2.wav" is 5% lower in pitch, "Jeb2high.wav" is normal. Tell me which you like.
I think we should stick with the lower one, since I'm already operating off of a higher pitch (your voice is naturally lower than mine).
The sarcasm in "I would say it worked pretty well" came across wonderfully :B

I prefer the normal-pitch.
I feel like such a slack. v.v

-Couldn't record today- I'm sorry. >.>

Unless anyone knows how to change Apple's stupid audio format into one that sucks less? 'Cause then I can do it right now.
It's cool. I just learned we were mainly recording today and did a few minutes after I found out.

So... do we have our next stuff worked out? We have a letter, and two recordings. Awesome. What's next?
(Can you tell I'm supahexcited?)
I can do that.


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