Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I really want to post this oneshot to fanfiction, but it's really messed up.

I wanted to show the squees on MDW how things would be like if Angel actually was evil and psychotic, and wound up writing a 600 word piece where Angel kills Max in her sleep by smothering her with a pillow.

I figured that Angel would be more the suicide type, but hey. Fuckin squees.
Done. Check the blog section.
Something's up outside. Half of the Philadelphia PD just went past my dorm, and now there's a helicopter orbiting low a block over.

Last time I saw a response like this, there was a riot.
They may have just won a... football game, according to twitter.
Only thing I can see on the news is that the Phillies beat the Mets, which might be it.

Still though, it must have been really bad to require fifteen police cars, two ambulances, and a helicopter. Last time there was a riot, there was only half as many police cars, and no ambulances.
Twitter had nothing except a few people noting the win, so... I hope it isn't too bad.
Well, the helicopter's gone and one of the ambulances, but now they've cordoned off a whole section of Broad Street and are diverting traffic around the area.
Really huge wreck? But I still don't see why they'd need fifteen police cars...
Finished Catching Fire today in the middle of a stupid movie in Econ, so I had to pay attention to the second half of the movie because I had nothing else to do... I need Mockingjay now... D:


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