Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Theoretically, a thirteen-year-old girl can lug a fifty-pound backpack, but all the other stuff, no, probably not. And since we're talking a prison-camp inmate anyway... the RP should really be "adventures of a bunch of malnourished tattooed Russians building in the cold for no reason".

But for some reason, that's just not how squees roll...
That's for sure.

It'll be interesting to see how it turns out. I'll keep you posted if something really fun comes up.
Awesome :3
Texting my brother. 'Cause I'm cool like that.

Addendum: Also, watching George Carlin's "Jammin' in New York". :DDDD
I am not longer going to friend random people on MX anymore.

I checked my inbox.

I cringed.

Along with tons of spam mail, I also got a, "I AM LEAVING" message. Sent to everyone. >.>
Hate those. I have a little rant on my page (on TTS) that you might giggle at.
XD I sent out a PM to everyone I know on MX about it. Didn't cause as much of a stir as I would have liked.... :/ But then again, the only person still on my friends list that ever does that is Meep.
Trying to study for my history vocab test and failing at that aspect. Wondering what I'll get on the test with no studying + lack of sleep.
I probably can only pray for a high B if I do that...
Good night to all those who are on. :)

*head collapses onto keyboard*
*Prods*, up and at em lazy bones. I'm running on 4 hours of sleep in 48 hours and it's going to get worse since I need to finish my position paper draft by Thursday.
This is late, but good luck to you. *gives luck*
Listening to Coldplay and being bored as all hell, even though I have a test today.

It's a take-home essay type of 'test'. I don't think that really counts...


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