Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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*hands cookie* Awkward moments need to be repaid in cookies.

XD Our pep rally was last Friday which sucked since we freshmen were staring like "o.o Dur? Cheering?" Others, like myself, were preoccupied with twitching at every scream and wanting to leave. The Sophomores seemed half-asleep, and the Juniors, Seniors, and sports players on the ground were pumped and crazy and screaming and LOUD. Full of team spirit and whatnot.
:3 Then we got crushed at the game that in conclusion, pep rallies do shit.
Good luck to you.
Got an estimate back from Matheu's on my pocket watch.

Six months to repair it.

And 1800 motherFUCKING dollars.

Holy god

What do
o.o ...Shit that's a lot of money.
:) Changed my icon and page around. Am ignoring the homework I said I would get done. And I smell steak. Life's nice today.
o.o Ah, yes, I must be careful of those. Thank you. *hides in a cat-themed restaurant* Ha! Take that, vicious hell hounds!
I am currently remembering that the MR fandom still exists...I had sorta forgotten about MX and this site. >.>

Real life has caught up to me in the last few months.
Real life does that sometimes. It's not fun when it does.
English Essay #1: A
One down, three to go.
Related to that watch post... I gotta get a job.
We have to read Ishmael for class, 70 pages that I had put off until today and at first I viewed it as insightful, and sorta revolutionary in a way, but of course, as I should've seen coming, it's just more anti-human propaganda. Like Avatar. And countless other novels viewed as 'life changing.' People need to learn that casting humans as a monstrosity birthed from Western culture isn't unique or special, it's how just about 98% of the rest of the world sees it. This is why I stopped reading Maximum Ride. I'm sick of richer than hell lawyers spewing into the rest of the world the evils of today's society, and pollution, and money, and eventually conservatives, and liberals, and drugs, and stereotypes, and superficiality. And yet, their novels are printed by the thousands, and their movies make millions on opening weekends, and they blow these millions on private jets that must magically not pollute, and plastic surgery so that the beautiful person they are on the inside will be reflected in their artificial faces, and invest the rest in corporate billion dollar companies. People are hypocrites. Complain all you want about Jesus, but at least he nailed that.
If my books sell, I'm going to donate almost all the money to charity.

Three cents will go to the Buy Dual a New Laptop fund, a worthy cause if I've heard of any. But the

Not because I'm a good person or anything, mind you.
Yeah, I'm sort of being hypocritical myself, if I received a steady, gross amount of income, I'm not sure what I'd do.



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