XD I'll be honest, I had to Google search which century 18th counted as. You're right. Tis from 1701-1800. But I can say we're technically studying 18th century philosophy, but it's not really thorough or anything. Just a quick computer assignment with making a nice organizer thing and about 10 important people over a certain span of sections. Only three aren't philosophers. Any way to unfuck you? ...Damn, that could be so badly misinterpreted.
I suppose Hobbes is probably closer to the mark than Rousseau considering I ever so highly doubt people are naturally good. It does count for something, so you may have a cookie. *hands cookie*
We do periodically. The teachers and administrators have this thing called "Professional Learning Community", and they all get together for two hours, after school is supposed to start, and supposedly make decisions about the school and the students and the learning. *shrugs*
*nod* Ah, I see. For those sorts of days, I think we just get the entire day off when the teachers still have to go in. But as I recall last year, it happened like four times or so.