Religious people fascinate me. Partly in the 'holy shit, people believe this? Like seriously?' way, and partly in the much-more-chilled-out 'hmm, well, from a sociological and anthropological viewpoint this is quite interesting'.
...okay, mostly in the first way, with a dab of 'bahahaha no way'.
I really wish I wasn't so stupid in regards to time management.
I was good this afternoon, until I went to TV Tropes. WHY DID YOU DO THAT. WHY.
Now I'm further behind in NaNo, I have to read and annotate a story in under an hour, I'm still not fucking done with my design, and I still have 26 pages of history reading to do. Oh, and vocab flashcards, and a chem worksheet, and an essay outline. And three short story beginnings, and a character outline.
All of which have to be done this. fucking. week.
And that's only what I've been assigned thus far. And it's Monday.