Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Have you heard Ben Folds' song called Things You Think?
Probably when I was younger. My sister listened to a lot of Ben Folds, but I don't really anymore.
I doubt it, then. The song came out a month or two ago.

It sort of employs the whole "lazy and impossibly small" thing with the narrations.
I believe the term for that is "stoned" XD

*stares at her hands for twenty minutes*
Those god-damned wonderful smelling Sharpies...

But dude, like, there are people being born every minute. And there are people I will never see. And never meet. There are soooo many people.
"And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space, because there's bugger-all down here on Earth."

Goddamn. With something like that... who the fuck needs religion. >.>;;
Dear gods, the Dresden Files trope page is long.

I shouldn't have started reading it. I have no time for Changes until at least December. ._.
Cut my bangs.

Which really, it looks exactly the same. But shorter, and you can't tell because they're well, bangs.

But it made me happy until I learned the hose was frozen. And that I had to deal with it because there's no water.

I fucking hate living in a car.
Religious people fascinate me. Partly in the 'holy shit, people believe this? Like seriously?' way, and partly in the much-more-chilled-out 'hmm, well, from a sociological and anthropological viewpoint this is quite interesting'.

...okay, mostly in the first way, with a dab of 'bahahaha no way'.
I really wish I wasn't so stupid in regards to time management.

I was good this afternoon, until I went to TV Tropes. WHY DID YOU DO THAT. WHY.

Now I'm further behind in NaNo, I have to read and annotate a story in under an hour, I'm still not fucking done with my design, and I still have 26 pages of history reading to do. Oh, and vocab flashcards, and a chem worksheet, and an essay outline. And three short story beginnings, and a character outline.

All of which have to be done this. fucking. week.

And that's only what I've been assigned thus far. And it's Monday.
Apparently my political slant is right in between those of Ghandi and the Dalai Lama. o_O


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