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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Someone's car alarm went off down the street. I think it belongs to the people who went on vacation, in which case we're all screwed.

My dad could sleep through the zombie apocalypse, but Mother's about to blow a gasket.
I am really easily irritated by car alarms. >.>
It's somewhat up the street from us so it sort of blended into a drone from my drowsiness. I don't know whether they got it stopped or not. This post itself is probably utter rubbish as I am typing it while I'm half-awake.
Fuck you, mom.

Fuck you, dad.

What happened?
The teachers are all like, "Hey, kids! No work over thanksgiving break! You all need to unwind so you don't crack under the stress! Don't do any homework or studying, ok?"

The rents, on the other hand? "Hahahano. No reading, no video games. When you're in the car, you're studying for history. When you're at home, you're working on your corrections for the English essay you got a measly 82 on or studying for your finals. You are alloted one hour of break per dium. No leaving the house. Also, new, disgusting, awful diet for you. Have fun with that."

This whole week has been hell.
What the fuck. That's awful. Are they really concerned about something, or what?
Well, I exaggerated somewhat-I'm allowed to play video games and read during my one hour a day-but yeah, it sucks.

Nothing in particular. :\ My grades aren't the best-but then, it's not like I'm failing in any subject. I have a B- average, which isn't enough for them.

Keep in mind that I don't go to a public school. I go to a private school, where a C- is the equivelant of a A+ at any other school, and in which every class is college level.

They say they don't care about my grades, of course. >_> What they want is for me to, "Try my best," and do things to my maximum ability. Which, apparently, means eschewing the simple pleasures of life for something that won't matter after I've gotten into my college of choice. Which I suppose I might not, but then again I could go to a community college and be of the same level of misery. Hell, I could get a job as a janitor and not be any less miserable than I would be if I was a billionaire.

And-quite frankly-given what School I go to, and the fact that I'm a black belt, and the fact that I'm an Eagle Boy scout (Less proud of this, but oh well. None of you know me in RL, so you can't mock me XD), and that I've been volunteering for community service my whole life, colleges are going to beg for me to join them. My SAT and ACT scores are the best in my grade.

Screw it, I don't care about my potential. If I had to choose between being successful in life or not going completely insane and killing myself, I'd choose the latter. I don't want to commit suicide, but if this keeps up I'm not going to have a choice.
First of all - please remove the possibility of suicide from your mind. Now.

Would they be happy if your grades were raised? If you helped more around the house? I dunno. What do they want from you (never mind what they say they want)?

Also, is the problem your parents, or something else? If it's just your parents and the fact that they seem determined to make you miserable - won't you get away when you go to college, assuming you do (which sounds more than likely)?
1. Sorry. D:

2. They want to see me working to my full potential, or something like that. Which basically means going from all out slacker to workaholic.

3. It's the rents. Most definitely. Unless you're talking about the depression, in which case their are other things in life that suck-not having any good friends, not having any one to talk to, being too shy to ask out my crush, the fact that there's nothing in life that I truly enjoy or like (I see video games, reading, and running as distractions) the never ending boredom, et cetera. Regular teen stuff, but mixed with the rent stuff and a natural born depression. Add in no desire to have children, no survival instinct, and no real hopes for the future, and you have a suicide bomb already ticking.

Oh, and my sister is just naturally good at dealing with the rents and doing all her homework and just generally being perfect. She also goes to my school. Cue intense jealousy and hatred for the one person in my family who doesn't seem to hate me.
2. Since when? Like, this week? If you just looked like you were working your ass off all the time, would they be satisfied?

3. No suicide. NO.
So at least a third of the things that suck in life will go away in college? Well, probably more than that. You'll get friends and girlfriends and will find something that you like because something somewhere will inspire you. Life will go on and it will get better. Tell yourself that. Ignore depression and hopelessness and the present and fucking tell yourself that all you need to work through is one more day. And then do it. Focus on the good things. Read Terry Pratchett. Find a happy place. I don't know how to cope with depression, but that's what I'd do.

Is your sister older or younger than you?
Dude, that sucks, man. :/ *offers tea... and Snickers bar*


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