Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Why must talking to people on Facebook make me feel extremely inferior? It's so awkward and I don't know why because the only people I talk to are legitimately my friends and argh. >.<'
It's natural, I think.

Of course, I wouldn't know. I already know that I'm infinitely superiour to those around me.
Fuck nature. >.<'

Dude, magic tea. O.O

One minute I'm clutching my stomach and writhing in pain, the next I'm reading a book all nonchalantly like "oheythere". Holy eff, man.
What tea is this?

*desperately desires magic tea*
"Organic Rasberry Leaf" stuff? I don't know, but my sister swears by it, and since I seem to possess the genes of insufferable cramps every month, I thought I'd give it a try.

I don't know what I'd be doing right now without it, I was in so much pain.
Feeling sad, annoyed, anxious, stressed, and sick to my stomach all at once. It's not very pleasant. And I really don't want to go to school tomorrow, though that's really only because I don't want to work and would much rather read some Neil Gaiman than put more effort into a bullshit essay.

And now that I've mentioned it, I REALLY, REALLY want to read some Gaiman for the rest of the night. Damn it.
Amen. I too have the lazy ._.
Got a new iPod. Sort of.

Really this is my sister's iPod she broke over half a year ago and accused me of breaking it (which none of us bought. iPods are worth more than me and I recall very clearly the day I supposedly "broke" it, she pulled it out of her backpack and said, "Oh.") But it's mine now because I was forced to let her borrow mine, to which she did not adhere to any of the rules I set up for it because I didn't want to ruin it.

In all honestly, I'd be happy to get my old one if she had listened to my rules. But now she's having a giant tantrum because she doesn't get her 4G iPod and instead is stuck with my old 3G one. Really though, you somehow scratched all of the back, screen, and got pencil marks on it. I'm keeping it, screw you.
People say that money can't buy happiness.


Anybody who's ever donated a twenty dollar to a homeless person or an organization knows that.

They also say the best things in life are free, what they leave out is you usually need to have money to have those available to you.


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