Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Lololol of course.
Lololol. I hope not though. Suffer, children, as I have suffered! >:D

That's kinda depressing. :\
"Back in my day, we still had weather! And we didn't live in bunkers to avoid the nuclear fall out!"

^---What my dad told me when I was little. Bastard didn't reveal that world hadn't ended when I was eleven.
If it snows like fuck in the mountains my teacher won't be able to come in... which means snow day :D
Ah, that's fortunate. It's, like, always snowing in the mountains.
But people on welfare ARE lazy!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go play the video games that my rich rich parents bought me (Or gifted me money to buy with, through allowance and holidays), in my house that my rich rich parents pay for, with my electricity that my rich rich parents by, away from my school that my rich rich grandparents are paying tuition to, while I don't do any hard work at all and sit around lazily enjoying the good life.

Psh, looking for a job? Performing menial jobs? Ha! I am far more deserving of my tax money!

>_> I hate people sometimes.

And then there are the people who support the Bush tax cuts. And the people who oppose the estate tax. Which doesn't make any fucking sense.
Yay tax cuts! A poorer America means a richer me!

Sometimes I hate America.
I see hating anything in specific as discriminatory. Hence, I hate everything and everybody human, and then some.
Dude, fuck the government. All they ever do is waste money on prying their own salaries! That's why I love Sarah Palin! She's just like the rest of us! And she's right, we need to stand by our North Korean allies!
Sarah Palin is both hilarious and really fucking terrifying at the same time.


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