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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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My dad loves her.

But, you know, he's also racist, stupid, and currently drunk, so...
Gods, I hate the selfish, ignorant, lazy, greedy, manipulative asshats that put these sort of things into motion. And the really, really fucking stupid people who support them.
Oy. That's going too far.

I'm a selfish, ignorant, lazy, greedy, manipulative asshat. My father is a selfish, ignorant, lazy, greedy, manipulative asshat, and so was my grandfather before him. But under no circumstances-I repeat, NO circumstances-are you to compare us to those...those...people!
Come to think of it, most people are. But still.

What would you prefer I say? >.>
Normal humans?
But I don't hate normal people. D:

Humanity --> horrible
Humans --> lovable

I don't know where the difference comes in, but it's there...
Collectives tend to be worse people than individuals. If I remember correctly, Pterry once said that the collective IQ of a crowd was the IQ of the dumbest person divided by the number of people. I've actually tested it. Damn him, he was right, give or take one or two IQ points.

Hence why me, Dual, Crowley, and Mr. Kay are all trolls, when alone we were otherwise nice people. 160/4=40.
Smart guy, he is. xD

Lulz. Who's the lowest? And what's the highest? >.>
My IQ is probably more around 100. Still, due to the fact that my brain has a messed up priorities system, I get awesome grades on SAT, ACT, and IQ tests and fail grades on everything else. Yay balanced out intelligence.

He's a bit of a genius, to be honest.

We're all one hundred, but we get 160's on our IQ tests. We're all kind of the same person, and I haven't tried using separate personalities for taking tests.
I'm pretty sure IQs aren't really indicative of anything. >.>
Yes, they are.

That I have a fucked up brain chemistry. That's what they indicate.

I'm nowhere near that smart. I use IQ to generally refer to intelligence, but I'm aware that in reality it refers to ability to make fast connections. I possess that, which is part of why I do so well on standardized testing-I can think quickly and see past the obvious.

However, I'll be the first to admit that my intelligence is, at best, slightly above average. At worst, slightly below. And, in general, average.
I dunno how to describe intelligence, and I don't think IQ tests can, either, so I couldn't put myself or anyone else on any sort of a scale.



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