And you know this from experience?
The girls I've talked to say that 98% of what you find on the internet is faked or BS, so I've been hesitant to treat as fact anything I see electronically on the subject.
Probably more for discovery rather than education., because don't a lot of peope talk about having a confused orientation on here?
Though let's be honest, nowadays the internet is teaching everyone what to do during their sexual encounters.
Helped for me, lololololol.
There is something really disconcerting about the realization that you are of simply average intelligence.
I just...I dunno, feel so guilty for some reason.
And a bit disappointed.
I been lurking teh /b/.
Posting under Secret Confessor for breaking Rule #1 (and 2).
Anyway, I feel like it's desensitizing myself as a human being, but occasionally its completely hilarious.
Basically, I haven't felt this sense of... belonging? since I first started posting on MX. And then it does something to absolutely repulse me. Should I stop? I'm not like, full on addicted yet, so I feel like if I'm going to stop, I should stop now.
If you even have the slightest idea what I'm talking about, 5 internets for you.
Depends, how's your skill with computer security?
/b/ is different from MX in that the people over there know how to use computers. On MX, if someone wanted to bash you, they'd scream and yell and call the moderators. On /b/, they bypass that, and hack your computer, making your real life absurdly miserable.
It takes a lot of guts to admit when you've done wrong and publicly apologize for it. I respect you for that because being as brave as you would've had to have been is something I've never seen before. And I thank you so much for showing me that is indeed possible to not be too afraid to say things that could really upset someone. It's not like you said bad things about this other person but you did highlight mistakes and made sure to address them in a way that didn't put blame on that person. It was so beautiful and yet so simple. I admire you.
Thank you, stranger on dA.
When I lost my virginity, I felt - irrationally - like I was letting you all down.
Nowadays I sometimes wish there was someone here I could discuss sex with.
Not the mechanics, more like swapping stories.
Or maybe I just need reassurance that I'm not the only person here who's done it.
Can't say I can help you. I haven't had sex, and don't intend to for quite a while.
First off, I'm seventeen. While I respect the fact that some seventeen year olds are mature enough to handle physical relationships...I'm not. I just lack the responsibility. I don't trust myself, to be honest.
Second, sex really is not all that appealing to me. I've never really understood pleasure--food, roller coasters, hot baths, and the like are all kind of bland to me, and I expect sex to be the same way. Maybe I've built up an immunity to enjoying things. Frankly, the only thing I like is mental stimulation, which I do not believe is typically the reason for having sex.
Third, I don't want to have sex with someone unless I love them. Not because of religion or anything like that--I just don't want to deal with the awkwardness of having sex with someone you don't love. I don't like awkward.
You all remember when I used to be a mega-bitch on MX?
Well, I realized I've been emotionally abusive in all my relationships.
It would be easy to blame the forums, but they are more likely an outlet rather than an ignition.
I'm starting to get a little confused.
Okay, I've been with my boyfriend for over a year now, and I'm happy. I know I'm only seventeen, but I'm not having any problems, for now.
However, my mom doesn't like this. She says that high school is for trying new things, trying different people, having fun, etc., and that I shouldn't just stick with one person through all of it. Plus, she's starting to like him less and less. Part of this is because he doesn't have a job at the moment, and he waited a while to enroll in college. She also thinks he can't take care of himself. The above may be partially true, but this still doesn't strike me as serious enough to break up with him.
Although, the fact that he gave me a hickey this past weekend didn't help her opinions.
He's working on getting a job though, and he's signed up to go to the local technical college this year.
I'm not sure if what my mom says should have that great of an effect on me anyway. She's gone through I-don't-know-how-many boyfriends in the past, and she's been married three times. I still don't know if she's happy.
Also, I'm still a virgin and he respects my opinions. I think she shouldn't complain so much.
Maybe I'm too young to be serious about my boyfriend, but I'm putting emotion over intelligence for now.
Over intelligence? Being happy is all that matters.
But yeah. . . I had a friend in an emotionally abusive relationship with this guy who was 5yrs older - which we're not even sure it was even legal in the beginning, CC drop out, unemployed, spiked his hair up and wore all black so as to look like a 90s punk rock/emo mix. We thought him lovely, at first, but after the relationship turned for the worse. . . and all we saw was our friend horrid, it was very easy to focus on these things. Like we'd get fixated on them and supplement them for reasons why we didn't like him, even though they were irrelevant to his personality or anything.
Once you decide you don't like someone or that you don't want to like someone. . . .all these reasons appear.
So don't pay her too much thought.
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